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Monday, July 16, 2007


How to choose a Web host
The internet is a modern playing field, not merely in terms of the security system problems it exhibits but likewise in the vast scope of trading operations. This calls for a fresh way of thinking when planning applications and the computer hardware architectures that host them. Because the number of businesses that run their commercial enterprises on the internet has mushroomed, hosting of their internet sites that furnish the main point of contact for buying and selling has become extremely vital. Having these websites go offline or perform badly not only negatively impacts earnings but also detracts from the business professionalism and ruins customer loyalty. Businesses such as gambling and internet betting have even more rigorous demands since they must furnish a guaranteed response in almost real time. Athletic betting games also have the consequence of squeezing all the business inside limited time windows. This tier of hosting goes far beyond the easy supplying of bandwidth and the caliber of the hosting server counts not just in terms of its CPU's processing powers, amount of RAM and hard disk space but likewise the enduringness of its parts, the power supply furnished and the power of fans to dissipate the heat created by a server working 24/7 under potentially very grueling loads. With an application program created for use internally within a business, one can usually put a limit on the maximum amount of users that will be utilizing the application program. With the Net, this count can be irregular, or if measurable by registration, can rise very rapidly.With the variety and abundance of hosting companies providing services, selecting a great web host appears to be a daunting job. The technical lingo is difficult to figure out, and that makes it harder. It is better to prepare in advance and then look for bids rather than doing the opposite.What is web hosting? If you equates the web to real property, hosting is the building lot where your business office or internet site will be situated.The hosting server is the computer which houses your website files and permits them to be looked at by clicking the hyperlink to your web site.With complimentary hosting proscribed for business and dedicated hosting being too high-priced, shared hosting is the solitary right alternative for your home business. As the term evokes, in shared hosting your site is stored with several others, unlike dedicated hosting which stores just your site. To enable you to arrive at a sensible decision as to which hosting company to do business with, here are a few words that you should be familiar with:Disc or Server space:This is the space on the hard disc drive of your hosting server that will be assigned to your site. Without artwork and pictures, a regular web page takes 40 - 50 Kb of space. Now 1000 kb = 1 MB. Allowing for room for graphics too and accounting for any future elaboration, anything between 50 -100 MB should be suitable enough if you're not operating a flashy website. A lot of hosting companies provide space up to 1 GB (1000 MB) but if you don't need it, don't take it.Bandwidth:A very significant facet and often neglected. This is the quantity of real data that can be transmitted from the web server that supports your internet site. It is directly tied in with the traffic, or amount of visitors to your web site. If you have 10000 page views per month with few downloads you'll need anything between 5 -6 GB per month. More downloads mean more demands for bandwidth. As your company expands, you'll require additional bandwidth. In the beginning, 10 GB will probably be suitable. That gives you some reserve space.E- Mail addresses:This allows you to create an e-mail address on your site address e.g. anyname@ your, in which anyname can stand for support, live support, help, info, subscribe etc. Anything! This allows your company to appear professional. Anticipate your needs but a good number of aliases is 10. Several hosting companies offer unlimited aliases too.If you desire to take payment on your site, an access to SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is an absolute requirement.If you need your web site to be interactive you must install cgi(Common Gateway Interface). So you need to find a host who provides you with your own cgi bin. If you want to produce your web site in Microsoft FrontPage, ascertain whether your host offers FrontPage extension. If you want to have a web site with a database, then MySQL will probably be a sought after feature. Your host will probably also give you free access to your server. You should have free access to log files and statistics of the traffic your site receives. Last but not least, look for excellent tech support and customer service.This counts very much for your company. You'll need this assistance whenever you have problems with your site, such as server outages, etc.. If your hosting company isn't supportive or is not quick to respond then it could mean loss of revenue for your commercial enterprise. See that you're given good and meaningful customer support. Ask them a question or two. Analyze the answer. Ascertain if they're available on the telephone just in case you're in a dire state of affairs. Be clear about whether this service is free and they will not bill you any money for customer service.Ultimately, you'll have to seek out what fits your company's requirements. Explore prior to settling for a hosting service. Pin down your selection to a couple of prospective hosts. Do research on their reputation. Require the company to provide you with examples of websites hosted. Contact their current customers and ascertain how happy they are.
What do I look for in a hosting company ?
Part 1This is the one of the singular most common yet important question. The main reason is that web masters are comparing all the WRONG Specifications with different hosting companies as nearly two thirds of what is usually offered is totally not useful to webmaster. The most common things to look for when you are hosting a small business or personal site are :
1. Email accounts Try to give every employees you currently have within your office, including future personal explanation plans.
2. Easy & Quick SetupShould be less than 5 hours, as some company take up to 48 hours to set up a new account.
3. Sufficient Data Transfer This is the most misunderstood specifications of web hosting, technically speaking most sites just only need about 1 GB. Yes, I know what you are thinking, that's right !
4. Uptime Guarantee This is very important. If they aren't offering it, they can't guarantee it which is a bad sign. A 98% Uptime Guarantee or above is deem to be average.
5. Sufficient Disk Storage Space Most sites only need up to 50 MB, so don't be greedy or are enticed by the seller providing over the top storage as you won't need it & are just paying for nothing !)
6. 24/7 Live Support Good to have, but not necessary if you are just beginning to built your website empire as you will have to pay more for this, but it comes in real handy if you site is down !
Live chat usually works just as good as phone support.
Can I switch hosting companies if I don't like their services ?
YES, off course. Who is there to stop you from do so ?
Unfortunately, there are many people whom do not realize how easy it is to switch hosting companies.
All you have to do is re-publish your site to the new address for the new hosting company. Most hosting companies will give you your new IP address where you can publish your site in as little as 10-20 minutes !
Just publish your site, and don't forget to update your name servers. This just means that you will have to go to the company where you purchased your domain name, and put in the name servers that the new hosting company have. Your domain name will point to your new hosting account in about 24 - 48 hours. Also, you will need to create your new email addresses at the new hosting company. That's it ! So, don't feel like you are stuck with a bad hosting company. Because you're not.Do I have to buy my domain name with my hosting account ? No & Yes. No, you can buy your domain name anytime. So, don't loose the domain name you want just because you are researching hosting companies. Buy that now. But, don't pay more than $20/year since that is the average price these days.Yes, if you have not initially purchase it already. If you purchase domain name & hosting account together, some company whom offered both these services may at their own discretion provide a better deals or discount.So it really depends on what you want to do.
More articles from this pro: Watson Goh

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