Computer in Low Budget
Make Great Savings by Buying Replacement Parts from Wholesale Computer Parts Dealers
If you have been shopping in the market for a new computer system, you might have noticed that most branded computers today have become highly unaffordable. Sure, prices have fallen in certain sectors that contribute to the making of computers. The prices of memory have hit an all time low due to the enhancements in manufacturing volumes of memory manufacturers. The prices of mother boards and other assorted computer innards have also fallen steeply. But the fact remains that the branded computer manufacturers are in the business to make their own profits. Therefore, despite the all around falling in prices that we have been witnessing, the prices of good computers have remained more or less constant!
Does this mean that a good computer system will always remain unaffordable? Not really! If you consider sourcing your computer from dealers who specialize in wholesale computer parts. Wholesale computer parts are an excellent way to source out and build your own computer. Most people are of the opinion that wholesale computer parts are in some way inferior to the parts available in branded computers. The same was the case with me. I always believed that wholesale computer parts were a means for cheap and inefficient computer parts manufacturers to offload their inferior stock on unsuspecting customers. Until my computer broke down recently that is. When I took it to the authorized dealer, I got a quote that was very high. Being unable to spare that much cash, and being desperately in need of having my computer restored, I grudgingly made my way to a nearby wholesale computer parts dealer.
What I saw there amazed and astounded me. This wholesale computer parts dealer has his own repair service. And when they opened up my computer and diagnosed the problem, the repair quote I got was a fraction of what the authorized dealer had given me. I was naturally curious as to what had created the difference and suspiciously eyed the wholesale computer parts on display. But the dealer opened up my computer to show me that the replacement parts would be the very same that my existing computer had. As installed by the original manufacturer. When I asked him how this was possible, he explained the wholesale computer parts business to me.
Apparently, most computer parts manufactures manufacture more parts than required by an order from a branded computer manufacturer. This is an in-built quality control feature in order to ensure that a sudden spurt in demand or a quality crisis can be handled quickly and efficiently. When the order is processed without incident, the excess parts are offloaded to wholesale computer parts dealers for a huge discount. These wholesale computer parts dealers then sell these equally good computer parts for a discount to users like you and me, who know better and are willing to invest the time and effort that it takes to build our own computers. Which means, that by buying the parts directly from wholesale computer parts dealers, we stand to make great savings! The next time you want to go in for a computer purchase, do consider new source apart from the regular computer manufacturers. Consider sourcing out your computer from the wholesale computer parts dealers. And you'll never regret your decision.
Limited Cash but you need to upgrade your PC?
What if you need a new PC but you have limited cash. The internet is chucking full of places you can buy components you need. One of the places I recommend is Newegg. One of the things you can do if you have little money is buy a barebones system and transfer your components like hard drive, CD-ROM, sound card, and video card if applicable. A typical barebones comes with motherboard, CPU, power supply, case, and possibly memory. What you purchase depends on your needs and money. Just shop around and get the best deal you can get for your money. Read reviews on different motherboards and their configurations. There are so many options it’s hard to cover it all in this article. You don't always have to buy from a PC manufacturer to get a good PC. You can put one together yourself or get a friend who is knowledgeable to help you. I have priced quite a few configurations and you usually can get a case, motherboard, CPU, and power supply is around $300. Sometimes memory even comes with it. You can build a brand new PC for around $700 and that includes all new components. So you see its possible to build a PC for less than what manufacturer would charge for a brand new system. The only draw back is you don't get the warranty and tech support you would get from a PC manufacturer. You can also try out Tiger Direct they have barebones systems with everything you need.
Save Money By Fixing PC Errors As They Occur
How much did it cost you the last time you had to call one of those computer tech help lines? What about the time you actually had to have a PC service technician come to your home? That expensive, huh? The truth is, PC tech help is expensive, and often the problems that cost you the most could have been avoided for a fraction of the cost with just an ounce of prevention. There are many computer errors that send us scrambling for tech help. Sometimes, they can be annoying problems like glitches and error pop-up warnings. Other times, they can be fatal and result in the loss of data and/or system crash. All of these errors, no matter how varied they may be, have one thing in common: They are caused by things you unknowingly bring or take out of your system’s hard drive, and you can fix them instantaneously before they start to cause problems with the right software. You see, your computer is just a machine that does exactly what it is programmed to do or what you tell it to do. To help it do this, it has thousands of files and programs filed neatly away in the hard drive. Most of the time, these files are accessed by your computer easily, but sometimes the filing system can be a little off, which makes it hard for your PC to access certain files and applications quickly or at all. Anytime that your PC has to search for these files or fails to find them an error occurs. In most cases, errors can occur without you even realizing it. You may not get a warning or program shutdown. Often, the only evidence that you have those errors is occurring is a computer that does not perform as quickly as it used to. While this in itself is annoying and frustrating, hidden errors can multiply and result in PC problems that leave you shelling out big bucks to tech professionals. To avoid errors from multiplying and eating away at your wallet, you need to fix the little errors as they occur. This can be done easily with the right software. The right software consists of programs that watch out for hidden errors and help fix them before they cause problems. In many cases, you can get all of the protection from hidden errors that you need in one software suite or download. In some cases, you can even get an error scan for free. Even if you don’t think your PC has hidden errors on it, it may be a good idea to have it scanned for free just to make sure. Statistics show that it is not uncommon for most computers in operation to have more than 200 errors. In fact, 94% of all PCs that have been used for one month or longer have hidden errors. As mentioned before, hidden errors occur during the daily operation of your PC, and they especially occur when you download new programs or install and uninstall software. This is because each time you download a new program or install/uninstall software, you change the filing order of your hard drive. New files are added, old files are deleted, and some files that should have been deleted remain behind. In some cases, you may inadvertently delete a file that is needed for another computer application. All of these changes leave holes in your PC?s operation and make it more and more difficult for it to perform accurately and quickly. Instead of letting these problems add up until they become annoying, unbearable or result in a system crash, doctor software helps to eliminate any trouble that you may experience from hidden errors. This software fixes errors that cause problems, fixes corrupt files, prevents hidden files from causing harm, and helps you avoid formatting and rebooting errors without you having to think about it. And you can use this software for a fraction of the cost that you would shell out to tech professionals. Unlimited access to repairs costs as little as $20 per month, $60 per year and $130 for life. Now, that’s a big difference than what you pay for in-house technical service. In fact, you could pay for your doctor software for a lifetime just by avoiding one in-home technical call. All of those technical fees avoided equal more money in your pocket and a smooth-running, error-free personal computer for you and your whole family to enjoy.
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